Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Puffed Shoulders and a Prize Pooch: Chanel at Paris Fashion Week

A celebration of all things tailored, Karl Lagerfeld chose a fitting backdrop to showcase his sleek new collection- a giant modernist wooden house housed static models who looked across a verdant, manicured lawn finished with an enchanting lily pond. The message in the fashion was clear- just as energy effiency breathes longer life into our earth, the clothing is designed for a lifetime.

Lightweight off-whites and beiges dominated the collection as fitted jackets and paired skirts intimated their make-up to be of a hessian material. Feathered pleats complimented classic tweed while soft satin juxtaposed wood-shaded gilets.  Even the jewellery contained natural inspirations- golden insects perched on ears and bees sat as brooches as polished, turned over hair resembled the French patisserie favourite- the croissant.

Eveningwear took style cues from classic dusky gold hues, the precious shade offset by sheared fabric, shoulder cut-outs and 3D embellishments as the wedding dress enjoyed a modernisation-an accompanying hoodie.

The style set took to the frow as Diane Kruger, Gwenyth Paltrow and Cara Delevingne (with pooch) all sat to watch the sartorial spectacle.

Saturday, 23 January 2016

Film Friday: Joy

It was hard to not expect a regurgitation of Silver Linings when I discovered Joy consisted of Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence starring alongside each other, but boy was I wrong. Set in 1989, the movie tells the story of Lawrence's Joy, a woman with a conventional job (an airport clerk) wishing to make more of herself.

Held back by her misogynistic father, her hypochondriac bed-ridden mother and the ex-husband who lives in her basement, Joy overcomes her hurdles in order to sit down and sketch out an invention- a self-wringing mop.

With strong feminist connotations, the picture focuses on three generations- Joy, her daughter and her ailing grandmother who inspired her to strive. The movie covers the difficulty of business, the woes of crooked persons in the business industry and gives an insight into the behind-the-scenes workings of a shopping channel.

Although at times I found Lawrence's acting rather stilted, her character of Joy is a powerful presence and sends a message of hope to many who have thought their ideas weren't good enough.

I give it: